Review : Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut Conditioner


Post by Prabh (Entry 6)

Hello I’m going to review a hair product. This product is a hair conditioner from Suave naturals brand. This is among the best conditioners I’ve used. This conditioner was a gift from my aunt. You can buy it from and

At first I thought not to use it but 1 day I ran out of my conditioner  so I  thought to give it a try and to my surprise it gave me the best result. I have tried Matrix deep smoothening conditioner, dove conditioners and also L’Oreal conditioner. This conditioner is completely equivalent to them. I have also tried L’Oreal hair mask and I can say that Sauve Naturals conditioner is also comparable to that Hair mask.

Here is the Product: -

Before continuing the review I would like to put some light on the IMPORTANCE of hair conditioners.
Humans have 4 types of hair normal, dry, oily and combination hair. Some of us have naturally soft, frizz free and smooth hair and many (like me) have frizzy and combination hair. Every type of hair needs proper care. The most common product which we use for caring our hair is conditioners.

Conditioners have many features. Today every type of conditioner is available in the market like normal conditioners, conditioners for dry hair, oily hair. Also conditioners are available for dandruff and hair fall type hair problems.

Here are some important benefits of using conditioners:-
  • Conditioners give hair shine. It makes our hair look beautiful.
  • Conditioners make our hair smooth. This helps in easy combing.
  • They not only smooths our hair but also cleans the hair.
  • They improve the texture of our hair.
  • They add moisture to our hair.
  • Also conditioners help in smoothening of our hair but also treat many hair problems like hair fall, dandruff and oiliness of hair.
  • Conditioners also help in detangling.

Now coming back to the review, the Suave natural conditioner contains coconut extracts. As its name speaks this conditioner contains coconut extract and vitamin E. Also this conditioner claims to be hypo allergenic which means it does not cause any type of allergy.

My experience:-
  • I enjoy using this conditioner, as it manages my curly frizzy hair, and makes my work extremely easy.
  • It conditions my hair so brilliantly that I omit using any hair mask.
  • This conditioner not only smoothens my hair but also detangles them and gives a very beautiful shine to my hair, which is what we all look out for in any conditioner.
  • It has very soothing fragrance and smells much like coconut.
  • It is white in color and has a creamy texture.

Here is it swatch:-

  • This is among the best hair conditioners.
  • It can be applied on hair roots too unlike most of the conditioners.
  • It imparts hair with a shine.
  • This conditioner deeply smoothes the hair and helps in detangling.
  • This conditioner is well suited for frizzy and dry hair.
  • One thing I liked a lot is its packing. It is family size bottle, therefore it will last long if you use it alone or even if the family uses it.
  • It has very pleasant coconut fragrance.
  • Since it contains coconut extracts, it is very good for our hair as coconut helps in growing of hair.
  • It is hypo allergenic so any one can use it.


For centuries many home made conditioning techniques were used like oiling of hair, applying henna and many herbal oil like tea tree oil, mustard oil, coconut oil etc. But now a day’s conditioners are made from different chemicals.

Here are its ingredients:-

I rate this product as 5/5

This conditioner bottle contains 665ml of conditioner. The rate is not mentioned on the bottle.
It is must buy product.  I’m surely gonna buy it again as it solves both the purpose of the conditioner as well as of hair mask.

Hope you liked it. Do give it a try.

God Bless....Cya 

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  1. Sounds like a great product!

  2. Must buy product :)

  3. thank u so much prabh for introducing this product to us.. I had never heard of it before n it sounds like a good product..loved ur review

  4. This sounds so amazing...Would definitely check it out..Thanks for such a nice review!! :)

  5. MakeupMyPassion12 July 2012 at 11:53

    I remember using Suave product, it was a shampoo :D it was fabulous.. nice review prabh :* very helpful :D

  6. MakeupMyPassion12 July 2012 at 11:54

    m going to hunt for it :D

  7. MakeupMyPassion12 July 2012 at 11:54

    :D me too.. infact nw i wanna search for it :D hopefully mil jae india me :P

  8. Shruti Dhingra Wahi12 July 2012 at 11:58

    Nice review Prabh :-)
    love the shape of the bottle ....will check out this product :-)

  9. thank u Lee.....its really very good product :)

  10. thanx shruti :)

  11. thank u upasana......also try this conditioner :)

  12. thank u is really very good product :)

  13. Yeah....go for it ...It is really worthy :)

  14. Meko b btana upasana agar mila to.... :D

  15. suave is very cheap.. u can get for one dollar... some of the suave products are really good...if you have a dollarstore in your area, you may find it..

  16. MakeupMyPassion21 July 2012 at 18:40

    i checkd ebay.. unfortunately they don't have it :'(

  17. I used to stock up on this like a crazy girl!! whenever my aunt comes down from the US i would always ask her to get me this and the shampoo! love both of them!! i need to ask her again. .:D nice review prabh :D

  18. MakeupMyPassion26 July 2012 at 10:57

    hahaha :D even i'v used it waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy back.. i liked it too :)


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